Distribution and Logistics Contribution Form Distribution/Logistics Contributor Name Distribution/Logistics Contributor Name Distribution/Logistics Contributor Mobile Numbe Distribution/Logistics Contributor Email Provide your Distribution/Logistics profile, write-up, past projects. Provide us with your company credentials (no. of years, top customers, logistics capabilities) Choose which form of logistics you provide Land Sea Air Door to Door Others Provide us with your country to country delivery fees. If you have multiple locations please attach an excel file with the price-weight table by country name. 1. Let us know if your company provides logistics function or distribution function or both. 2. If you are in logistics, let us know your API integration capabilities for ecommerce platform and how you can assist in setting up delivery fees to customers by different region, type of delivery(ie door to door) to make it easier for ecommerce platforms to run their daily operations. 3. If you are a distributor let us know in which countries do you provide distribution. How many % of you business is online and how many % offline? 4. Let us know which product/project title you are interested to distribute. And if you are interested to market in your distribution channels, what is the quantity per month you project to order. Send